Contact me to present one of these topics to your group or organization.
Hélène is an electrifying and eloquent public speaker. She is both informative and entertaining, engaging the audience as she intersperses her advice with anecdotes and refreshing doses of humor. -Claudia
Navigating the Midlife Transition
Private Event, Chicago, IL — February 1, 2018
Group Coaching: Get Unstuck
Wilmette Library, Wilmette, IL — Tuesdays in February 2018 — 1-3pm – Register here
Women, Midlife and Purpose
Ask Dr. Nandi TV show, Detroit, IL — February 11, 2018
Taming Procrastination
Next Door, Chicago, IL — March 3, 2018, 2-4pm — Register here
Navigating the Midlife Transition
Private Event, Chicago — March 6, 2018
Victim to Hero Writing Workshop
Visiting Speaker at Alice Moody’s Writing Class, Glencoe, IL — March 19, 2018 — More information here
Navigating the Midlife Transition
Northfield Library, Northfield, IL — March 18, 2018 — 2-3:30pm — Register here
Navigating the Midlife Transition
North Shore Country Day School, Winnetka, IL — April 23, 2018 — 9-11am
Overcoming Perfectionism
Next Door, Chicago, IL — May 5, 2018, 1:30-3:30pm — Register TBD
Reinventing in Midlife
Reboot Accel, Wilmette, IL — June 11, 2018 — 10am-noon
Create a Life of Purpose
While most people say their goal in life is to be happy, and that more money is the key to that happiness, the research disagrees. One of the key factors in increasing happiness is living a life of purpose. But how do you identify your purpose? This workshop will help you do just that.
In this 2- or 3-hour interactive workshop, you will learn a step-by-step process, based on the best purpose research, to identify how you are meant to spend your time and energy. You will become clear on your unique gifts and personal interests—and how you can leverage them to contribute in a meaningful way. You will come out of this workshop with a personal mission statement that will guide your decisions and empower your actions moving forward.
Join us and start living your best life!
Hélène’s process to find your life purpose is super-powerful. She guides you step by step through the exercises of discovering what makes your uniquely tick, and the results are like a spotlight illuminating a stage: You clearly see what to focus on. With her guidance, I was able to write a statement of life purpose that is authentic, exhilarating, and enduring. My purpose now truly tugs at my heart.” — Holly Marihugh, writer and speaker
Overcoming Perfectionism
What price are you paying for seeking perfection?
While some may pride themselves on their perfectionism, the research is clear: Pursuing perfection is self-destructive. It mires us in fear and shame, takes a toll on our physical and mental health, threatens our relationships, hampers our success, drains our time and energy, and basically takes all the joy out of life.
In this 2-hour interactive workshop, we’ll dig deep into the roots and consequences of perfectionism, then learn a 4-step process to overcome our perfectionism by focusing on self-compassion, challenging our irrational beliefs and unattainable standards, and practicing being “good enough.” Join us to unshackle yourself from the weight of this scourge and reclaim your lightness and joy.
Navigating the Midlife Transition
In midlife, many of us will face an overload of demands coming from our work, children, and aging parents, not to mention our own struggles with relationships, health, and identity. As a result, we will feel a need to examine who we are, where we’ve been, and what we want out of our second half.
In this 90-minute presentation, we delve into the challenges and opportunities of midlife, and we learn the critical steps we need to take in order not only to survive but to thrive, in middle age and beyond.
Hélène’s talk had everything: content, delivery and humor…I think it was very motivating to hear about so many of the women from Hélène’s blog. It really made these women seem real and accessible, like we could “do it” too. -Denise H
Want to Feel Better? Choose Better Thoughts!
“What we think, we become.” – Buddha
While it’s natural to feel sadness, anger, anxiety, and other difficult feelings, sometimes these negative emotions get out of hand, affecting our well-being and limiting our life’s potential.
Research has shown that our negative feelings come from the underlying thoughts, the stories we craft to make sense of our world. These thoughts are based on the conditioning we’ve received over decades of experience and feedback, and are often irrational or exaggerated.
The good news is, that we can learn to reprogram our thinking to manage our unhelpful emotions and live a happier, more fulfilled life. In this interactive 2-hour workshop, we’ll learn a 4-step method to do just that.
Overcoming the Impostor Syndrome
Are you a high-achieving person who feels like a fraud? Welcome to the club!
In this 90-minute interactive workshop, we will learn about the Impostor Syndrome, an often-secret struggle of successful people, and how the shame and self-doubt that come with it keep us small. Then, we’ll practice a 5-step process to quiet that fraud voice inside us and replace it with a more positive one—so you can stop suffering in silence and reclaim your power.
The Impostor workshop really helped me pinpoint my feelings of fraud and gave me a prescription for addressing them when they come up. -Shaily
Harnessing Failure… To Succeed
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert F. Kennedy
We all crave success and fear failure. So we avoid failure at all costs, so we can spare ourselves the embarrassment, criticism, and self-doubt that often come with it. In the process, we limit our potential. We don’t speak up, we don’t try new things, we don’t take risks. Ironically, a willingness to fail is one of the key ingredients of the most successful people. So how do we embrace failure?
In this 90-minute workshop, we’ll explore how fear of failure keeps us from achieving our potential and we’ll learn the 5 benefits of failure. Next, you will be taught a 5-step process to make the most of failure, so you can maximize your growth—and your chance at success.
How to Set Goals—and Reach Them!
Are you struggling to set goals for yourself? Or maybe you’ve got goals but you can never seem to stick with them? Studies have shown that setting goals is critical to success, and striving toward goals boosts happiness.
Yet only a small number of us actually set and pursue goals. Most of us let life circumstances or other people dictate our goals. We live day to day, and before we know it, another season, another year has gone by.
How can we take control back? In this 90-minute workshop, we’ll learn a 5-step method to identify our goals and create action plans to support them. We’ll also explore the research-backed ways in which we can maximize our chances at reaching the goals we’ve set for ourselves.
It’s time to design your life—and fulfill your potential.
I greatly enjoyed Hélène’s talk. It was funny and engaging, but also thought provoking and practical. Switching gears in mid-life is something that many if not most women will contemplate, but can feel overwhelming. She spoke in a relatable way about the struggles and rewards, and offered useful, clear suggestions as to how to begin and be successful in the process. -Ann
Reframe Your Limiting Beliefs, Transform Your Life
The stories we hang onto from the past can yield both empowering beliefs, as well as limiting beliefs.
In this 2-hour interactive workshop, we uncover the limiting beliefs we have, ones rooted in our past stories. Next, we learn and practice a 6-step process to understand these negative beliefs and reframe them in a more positive way. Finally, we commit to owning and practicing these new empowering beliefs—and transform our future.
From Victim to Hero: A Writing Workshop
We all tell stories about ourselves, stories that have the power to shape our life choices and determine our potential.
In this 90-minute writing workshop, we explore our stories and learn the power of casting them in a new light, as stories of redemption. We complete several writing exercises to reclaim an old negative experience—by shifting from a victim to a hero perspective. Finally, we learn 4 ways in which we can own and use our new hero story, to let go of the past and energize our future.
Everyone loved Hélène’s speech. She needs to get this message out more and more. I literally hung onto every word. I wish all my friends could hear Hélène speak. -Jetta
Making Peace With Your Inner Critic
“You suck at your job.” “Nobody likes you.” “You’ll never find love.” “You’re a lazy bum.”
Do you have a nasty voice inside you that keeps nagging at you, telling you, in one way or another, that you’re not good enough? We all have an Inner Critic, developed over time with the best of intentions—to keep us safe. Problem is, by thriving on fear, it’s also keeping us small. This mean, judgmental voice is stuck on repeat and we’ve come to believe it.
What’s the best way to address our Inner Critic when it shows up? In this interactive 75-minute workshop, you’ll learn a 4-step process for disempowering your Inner Critic’s hold on you—so you can finally let go of your fear and act on your dreams.
Taming Procrastination
We all procrastinate on some tasks at times, but for some of us, it becomes a chronic condition that impedes our progress and our success. Why do we do it? No, it’s not because we’re lazy or work better under pressure or have no willpower.
In this 2-hour interactive workshop, we’ll learn the 4 main reasons for procrastination and address ways to reframe and combat each one. Hélène will present research-based tips to help you stop wasting time, stop stressing out, and start tackling your biggest challenges TODAY.
Hélène’s workshop on the inner critic “really really helped me identify these awful voices in my head and find a way to combat them. Thank you! This was awesome!” -Jen